Friday, August 6, 2010

Some restrictions related to Scripture

इदं ते नातपस्काय नाभक्ताय कदाचन।
न चाशुश्रूषवे वाच्यं न च मां योऽभ्यसूयति।।18.67।।
18.67 इदम् this, ते by thee, न not, अतपस्काय to one who is devoid of austerity, न not, अभक्ताय to one who is not devoted, कदाचन never, न not, च and, अशुश्रूषवे to one who does not render service or who does not desire to listen, वाच्यम् to be spoken, न not, च and, माम् Me, यः who, अभ्यसूयति cavils at.

Lord says this to Arjuna after instructing the profound knowledge in the closing remarks of Srimad Bhagavad Gita.


Why should there be a restriction? Why not to instruct the Knowledge that leads to ultimate good to everyone?

Let us first consider who are not allowed to know this knowledge:
  1. One who is not interested in Tapas (the practice) and
  2. one who is not devoted to the LORD and
  3. One who is not having any desire to listen such a teaching or render service to the teacher (means who has no respect to the teacher) and
  4. one who is not conquered over the asuya. Asuya is a quality that makes one find faults with everything not getting to the correct understanding. We have discussed about this in one of the past posts. A person who has asuya towards LORDs teaching, will never get to know the true meaning of what is being told.

By teaching such a person who has not qualified to take the instruction, there will be unnecessary confusion created in the minds of such people causing conflict (buddhi-bhedam).

Lord is so compassionate towards such people as they need to work their karmas according to their predominant guna (mostly the quality of tamas) So, it is better for them to engage in action for the sake of results if not they will be taken over by the tamas or inertia.

One should only study any scripture only when:
  1. He/She is ready to practice the method,
  2. He/She is devoted to the God and Guru (the teacher)
  3. He/She is keen to listen, understand and
  4. He/She has good intentions to reach the highest goal without harming anyone else or finding faults with someone else.

But, teaching this scripture to a deserving person is considered one of the best virtues. It is the Jnana Yajna which is superior to any of the dravya yajnas!

अध्येष्यते च य इमं धर्म्यं संवादमावयोः।
ज्ञानयज्ञेन तेनाहमिष्टः स्यामिति मे मतिः।।18.70।।

Even though the Scripture Srimad Bhagavad Gita has universal applicability, The scripture itself will not force any of the thoughts on anyone. The listener is free to choose the course of action after contemplating on the teaching of LORD. As LORD verily exists in everyone's heart he makes this knowledge available as soon as one deserves it.

AS I have made this posts on to the blogger, I request readers to comply with this restriction. The knower (kshetrajna) is the Lord who takes care of its compliance anyway!

om tat sat

1 comment:

Prasad Chitta said...

I am not aware of the gita edition mentioned by the web site.

Probably no "book" can capture the true meaning of the scripture. It is possible only through a person who has mastered the "practice" of the scripture can give the necessary explanation of the silence.

om tat sat
Prasad Chitta.