This is the last post on Srimad Bhagavad Gita. This was handed down by Sage Veda Vyasa, just for the sake of universal well being. A memory of a wonderful discussion between Arjuna and Bhagavan; by remembering it, it purifies the person and leads to the complete victory over the most difficult enemy to be conquered i.e., Ignorance!
A deserving person studying the scripture from a realized Guru and practicing its teaching is sure to get the ultimate bliss beyond all limitations of gunas. It brings back the correct identity of the individual as declared by Arjuna!
सञ्जय उवाच: (18.74 till 18.78)
यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः।
तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम।।18.78।।
Sri Sankara Bhagavadpaada's Commentary translated into English By Swami Gambhirananda:
18.78 To be brief, yatra, where, the side on which; there is Krsna, yogeswarah, the Lord of yogas-who is the Lord of all the yogas and the source of all the yogas, since they originate from Him; and yatra, where, the side on which; there is Partha, dhanurdharah, the wielder of the bow, of the bow called Gandiva; tatra, there, on that side of the Pandavas; are srih, fortune; vijayah, victory; and there itself is bhutih, prosperity, great abundance of fortune; and dhruva, unfailing; nitih, prudence. Such is me, my ; matih, conviction.
Sri Abhinava Gupta Comments as follows:
18.74-78 Ityaham etc. upto matir mama While concluding the Krsna-Arjuna dialogue with Sanjaya's speech, the sage Vyasa teaches this : What leads to the Absolute Brahman is nothing but the recollection of the purport of the dialogue--a recollection that is led finally to the status of the highly vivid, direct cognition admitting no differentiation between its subject and object, resulting from the continuity helped by the series of incessant contemplations on the purport of the dialogue according to the method of firmly fixing. Thus, only through the recollection of the dialogue of the Bhagavat and Arjuna, the Reality could be reached and due to that come fortunes, victories and prosperity.
Swami Sivananda (my spiritual great grand father!)
18.78 यत्र wherever, योगेश्वरः the Lord of Yoga, कृष्णः Krishna, यत्र wherever, पार्थः Arjuna, धनुर्धरः the archer, तत्र there, श्रीः prosperity, विजयः victory, भूतिः happiness, ध्रुवा firm, नीतिः policy, मतिः conviction, मम my.
Commentary: This verse is called the Ekasloki Gita, i.e., Bhagavad Gita in one verse. Repetition of even this one verse bestows the benefits of reading the whole of the scripture. Wherever: On that side on which. Yogesvarah: The Lord of Yoga. Krishna is called the Lord of Yogas as the seed of all Yogas comes forth from Him. Dhanurdharah: The wielder of the bow called the Gandiva. There: On the side of the Pandavas.
Thus in the Upanishad of the glorious Bhagavad Gita, the science of the Eternal, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna, ends the eighteenth discourse entitled:The Yoga of Liberation by Renunciation.
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